How long would it take light from the sun to reach Mercury?

1 Answer
Oct 14, 2016

From perihelion to aphelion, it ranges from 2 m 33 s to 3 m 53 s,


The orbit of Mercury is highly eccentric. The orbit eccentricity is

about 12 times Earth's

Light second = 299192.458 km.

From Planetary Fact Sheet, NASA,

Aphelion = 69.8 million km.

At the farthest-from-Sun, aphelion, sunlight takes.

69.8 X 10 ^6/299792 s

=233 s, nearly, to reach Mercury.

When nearest at perihelion - 46.0 million km,

the time taken is

46 X 10^5 / 299792 s

= 153 s.
