How long would it take light from the sun to reach Earth? Astronomy Scale and History of the Universe Time Scale of the Cosmos 1 Answer George C. Oct 14, 2016 About 500 seconds Explanation: The distance between the Sun and the Earth varies a little, but if we use the approximation 93 million miles and approximate the speed of light as 186000 miles per second, then it takes: 93000000/186000 = 500 seconds for light to cover the distance. Answer link Related questions How long do humans live in reference to the time scale of the universe? How does parsec differ from a second? According to modern cosmology, what is the approximate age of the universe? How can scientists estimate the age of the universe when time itself is not absolute according... What formula is used to calculate the age of the universe? How old is the oldest known galaxy? During which step in cosmic evolution were the chemical bases for life created? How long have humans lived in the time scale of the universe? How is it possible that the observable universe is 46 billion light years yet the age of the... What is the Drake Equation? See all questions in Time Scale of the Cosmos Impact of this question 2885 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License