How does the greenhouse effect keep the earth warm?

1 Answer
Feb 26, 2017

The greenhouse effect keeps the earth warm by allowing solar energy to pass into the atmosphere and reach the surface of the planet while also providing a barrier for some energy so that it remains on earth.


The greenhouse effect keeps the earth warm by allowing solar energy to pass into the atmosphere and reach the surface of the planet while also providing a barrier for some energy so that it remains on earth. Without this effect, the temperature on earth would be drastically different and it would be impossible for humans to survive.


Ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared radiation (types of light) reach the earth from the sun and penetrate our atmosphere. See the figure below for the different wavelengths of radiation. Some of this energy is reflected back, but a significant amount of this radiation reached the surface of the earth and is absorbed.

However, the radiation that is returned to the atmosphere has been cooled by the planet and is far infrared radiation. It is this far infrared radiation that is absorbed by the atmosphere, heating the planet.
