How does the earth's moon compare to moons of gas giant planets?

1 Answer

Earth's Moon is smaller than the Ganymede, Callisto, Titan and Io.


Diameter of Earth's moon: 3,475 km or 3,475 * 10^3 m

Ganymede (Jupiter's Moon): 5,262 km or 5,262 * 10^3 m

Titan (Saturn's Moon): 5,150 km or 5,150* 10^3 m

Callitso (Jupiter's Moon): 4,821 km or 4,821 *10^3 m

Io (Jupiter's Moon): 3,643 km or 3,643 * 10^3 m


All other moons are smaller than earth's moon.

For example: See image for the Jupiter's Moon Europa.