First, you should multiply the expression and simplify as far as you can. Then, write everything in terms of sine and cosine.
Here are the identities we'll use:
(sectheta=1/costheta, qquadqquad(1.1)),
(sec^2theta=1/cos^2theta, qquadqquad(1.2)),
(tantheta=sintheta/costheta, qquadqquad(2.1)),
(tan^2theta=sin^2theta/cos^2theta, qquadqquad(2.2)),
(sin^2theta+cos^2theta=1, qquadqquad(3.1)),
(sin^2theta/cos^2theta+cos^2theta/cos^2theta=1/cos^2theta, qquadqquad(3.2)),
(tan^2theta+1=sec^2theta, qquadqquad(3.3)):}
Some notes: identity (1.2) was achieved by squaring both sides of identity (1.1) (same with (2.2) and (2.1)).
Similarly, identity (3.2) was achieved by dividing all the terms in identity (3.1) by cos^2theta. Then, identity (3.3) was reached by simplifying identity (3.2) using previously-proved identities (1.2) and (2.2)
Now, here's the expression:
((sectheta-1)(sectheta+1), qquadqquad"The problem"),
(sec^2theta+sectheta-sectheta-1, qquadqquad"Multiplying out the expression"),
(sec^2thetacolor(red)cancelcolor(black)(+sectheta-sectheta)-1, qquadqquad"Like terms cancel out"),
(sec^2theta-1, qquadqquad"Rewrite the above step"),
(tan^2theta+1-1, qquadqquad"Replace "sec^2theta" with "tan^2theta+1" using identity "(3.3)),
(tan^2thetacolor(red)cancelcolor(black)(+1-1), qquadqquad"Like terms cancel out"),
(tan^2theta, qquadqquad "Rewrite the above step"),
(sin^2theta/cos^2theta, qquadqquad "Replace "tan^2theta" with "sin^2theta/cos^2theta" using identity "(2.2)):}
That's the answer. Hope this helped!