How do you simplify 8.13-2.716?
1 Answer
To get the final answer to this answer, simply pull out a calculator and insert the following:
The below steps are very confusing. I will explain them. Refer back the following to understand my reasoning.
First off, we can immediately imagine a zero on the end of 8.13. It will help a lot.
Secondly, since we can't subtract
Third, we can't subtract
Lastly we take the new numbers and subtract them. From left to right it looks like:
7-2=5 -
11-7=4 -
2-1=1 -
Now we assemble the number again with the decimal.
We have now found the answer to this problem by not using a calculator. Although it sometimes is easiest to use a calculator when doing problems like this. Unless otherwise instructed to not use a calculator, use one to your advantage!
Answer: #5.141