This is just one of several tricks. To multiply a decimal by 10 is strait forward. So lets see if we can incorporate that.
Not that 5 is the same as #10xx 1/2#
#color(blue)("Just dealing with the numbers")#
#4.65xx5 color(white)("ddd")->color(white)("ddd")4.65xx10xx1/2#
#color(white)("ddddddddd")->color(white)("ddd") 23.25#
There should only be one digit to the left of the decimal point and it is not 'allowed' to be 0.
#color(blue)("Just dealing with the 10's part of "(4.65xx10^(-2))(5xxxx10^6))#
Believe it or not all we have to do is add the indeces
#color(blue)("Putting it all together")#
This may be written as: