How do you find the least common multiple of 9, 6, and 2?

1 Answer

Factor each number to its prime factors multiply all the prime factors together, use each prime number only once.


9 can be factored into # 3 xx 3# so nine has two factors of 3

6 can be factored into # 3 xx 2 # so nine has one factor of 3 and one factor of 2.

( since nine already has two factors of 3 the factor of three from six does not need to be used)

2 can be factored into # 2 xx 1 # so 2 has one factor o2

( since six already has a factor of 2 the second factor of is not needed)

So multiplying the unique factors gives

# 3 xx 3 xx 2 = 18#

The least common multiple is 18