How do you find the coterminal with the angle 30^circ?

1 Answer
Aug 8, 2017

Add or subtract any whole number multiple of 360^@.


We con go all the way around the circle in either diection and and up on the positive x axis. If we then go 30^@ more, we get an angle that is coterminal with 30^@.

360^@+30^@ = 390^@ is coterminal with 30^@.

2xx360^@ + 30^@ = 780^@+30^@ = 810^@ is coterminal with 30^@.

10xx360^@ + 30^@ = 3600^@+30^@ = 3630^@ is coterminal with 30^@.

-360^@+30^@ = -330^@ is coterminal with 30^@.

4xx-360^@+30^@ = -1440^@+30^@ = -1410^@ is coterminal with 30^@.