How do you determine the quadrant in which 3.53.5 radians lies?

1 Answer
Jun 14, 2018

3.53.5 radians lies in quadrant III.


Since we know the measure in degrees of multiples of pi/2π2 radians, it would be nice to create an inequality that contains 3.53.5 radians. We will use the approximation pi~~3.14π3.14 and from that it follows that pi/2~~1.57π21.57. Since 3.14<3.5<3.14+1.573.14<3.5<3.14+1.57, we can write this inequality like this: pi<3.5<(3pi)/2π<3.5<3π2. Since we know that piπ radians is equal to 180^o180o and (3pi)/23π2 radians is equal to 270^o270o, 3.5 radians lies in the third quadrant.