How do you determine the formula for the conjugate base of #HSO_4^(-)#?

1 Answer
Dec 7, 2016

For the conjugate base of #"bisulfate ion, "HSO_4^-#, we simply remove a proton to give #SO_4^(2-)#.


To form the conjugate base or conjugate acid of any species, we simply remove OR add a proton, #H^+#.

As for all chemical reactions, even these conceptual ones, we CONSERVE mass and charge. What do I mean by this?

So the conjugate base of #"sulfuric acid"#, #H_2SO_4#, is #HSO_4^-#, and the conjugate base of #"bisulfate ion"# is #SO_4^(2-)#.

What's the conjugate base of #NH_3#? And its conjugate acid?