How do you decide the stability of carbon free radical?

1 Answer
Aug 7, 2015

The question should read "how do you rationalize the stability of a carbon free radical? " Radical stability mirrors the stability of the carbocation.


The longer lived the radical, the more opportunity there is for radical coupling (and skeletal rearrangement), but a few general rules may be applied:

benzyl > allyl >= 3^@ > 2^@ > 1^@ > methyl benzyl>allyl3>2>1>methyl

Allyl and benzyl radicals are stabilized by resonance with the piπ system; tertiary and secondary radicals are possibly stabilized by hyperconjugation. Interestingly, I was once told by an organic prof that as the percentage s character of the C-HCH bond increases, the stability of the radical decreases , i.e. sp^3 > sp^2 > sp sp3>sp2>sp; i.e. acetylenic radicals should be the least stable.