How do you convert 2.0 to fraction and percentage?

1 Answer
May 6, 2016

As a fraction:# 2/1" or " 20/10" or " 200/100#

As a percentage #200%" or "200/100#


2 as a fraction can be written as:# 2/1" #

Convert this into 10th multiply by 1 but in the form #1=10/10

#2/1xx10/10 = (2xx10)/(1xx10)=20/10#

Convert it into 100ths multiply by 1 but in the form #1=100/100#

#2/1xx100/100 = 200/100#
There are 2 ways that percentage may be written.

Consider the example of sixty percent. This would be
#60%" or "60/100#

From above: 2 expressed as a percentage is:# 200/100" or "200%#