How do you convert 0.0035 weeks into seconds?

1 Answer
Jun 5, 2017

By a process of gradual multiplication, we arrive at the answer: 2117 seconds.


We progressively convert the weeks into days, the days into hours, the hours into minutes, and the minutes into seconds.

To convert weeks into days, we multiply by 7.

0.0035×7=0.0245, the number of days.

To convert days into hours, we multiply by 24.

0.0245×24=0.588, the number of hours.

To convert hours into minutes, we multiply by 60.

0.588×60=35.28, the number of minutes.

To convert minutes to seconds, we multiply by 60.

35.28×60=2116.8, the number of seconds.

This can be rounded off to 2117 seconds.