How do the five senses work within the brain?

1 Answer
Aug 3, 2017

The Cerebrum is the Master mind behind this.....


Things you want to know Firstly,

Senses are sensed by the help of receptors, which gets activated when it subjects a stimuli and sends electrical impulses through neurons to the brain.
The brain have different parts to sense the 5 senses...

For Hearing temporal lobe
'' Vision occipital lobe
'' Smell frontal lobe
'' Touch parietal lobe
'' Taste brain stem ***

**Cerebrum consists all of these lobes. **


Hearing is sensed in the ear, when the eardrum vibrates after it is subjected to a sound.

The Mechanoreceptors (it is a vibration sensing mechanism, Hence the name) are the receptors which sense the vibrations and send impulse to the brain.


Vision is sensed in the eye, in Retina which sense the light entering the eye as image.

The Photoreceptors are the rods and cones .

  • Rods are activated in dim light. They are not color sensitive. Since very few photons (light particles)need to activate them.
  • Cones sense colors such as RBG,etc. Since many photons need to activate them.


Smell is sensed in the nose, through Olfactory tubes when subjected to a smell(stimuli).

The Olfactoryreceptors send electrical impulses to the brain via olfactory tubes.


Touch is sensed by the skin when subjected to a pressure on it.

The SomatoSensoryreceptors are activated when subjected by a pressure.


Taste is sensed in mouth, in tongue when a specific taste( sweet, bitter, sour, salty and at last the umami ) is observed.

The Chemoreceptors or the Taste buds sense different type of taste when excited by Chemicals present in the food.

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