How did endosymbiosis lead to the formation of eukaryotic organelles?

1 Answer
Dec 7, 2016

The theory is that smaller "living organisms" were ingested(but not digested) into a larger cell creating a symbiotic relationship


Prokaryotic cells like bacteria have only one membrane, and are simpler than Eukaryotic cells.

Eukaryotic cells have multiple membranes. There is the outer membrane like the bacteria but also the nuclear membrane and the mitochondria have a separate membrane.

The theory is the mitochondria were a separate living organism that were incorporated into a bacteria like cell and keep their own membrane. The mitochondria are the energy source for the eukaryotic cell. The mitochondria is where most of the energy from cellular respiration takes place. The mitochondria would provide energy for the larger cell which in turn would provide a safe environment for the smaller cell.

This is of course based on speculation and logical inference not observational science.