How are meteorites be classified?

1 Answer
Oct 13, 2016

"Meteorites can mainly be classified into three types based on their composition"Meteorites can mainly be classified into three types based on their composition


"Although meteorites are classified into further divisions"Although meteorites are classified into further divisions

"These are the main classifications"These are the main classifications

1)color(red)(color(red)("Stony meteorites"1)Stony meteorites

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"These meteorites are mainly comprised of stone materials"These meteorites are mainly comprised of stone materials

2)color(blue)("Iron meteorites"2)Iron meteorites

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"These meteorites are mainly composed of Iron particles"These meteorites are mainly composed of Iron particles

3)color(green)("Stony-Iron meteorites"3)Stony-Iron meteorites

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"These meteorites are mixtures of stone and iron particles"These meteorites are mixtures of stone and iron particles