Does CO2 have a polar bond?

1 Answer
Jul 3, 2018

My word....


Carbon is LESS electronegative than oxygen, and the oxygen atoms polarize electron density towards themselves, thus denuding the carbon atom of electron density...

i.e. stackrel(""^(-)delta)O=stackrel(delta^+)C=stackrel(delta^-)O

...and charge separation betokens polarity... But because carbon dioxide is a symmetric molecule...the individual dipoles add in a vector fashion to give a non-polar molecule...

The central carbon atom is reactive towards nucleophiles..pouring a Grignard reagent onto dry ice is the classic way to make a carboxylate salt...extending the carbon chain by ONE....

R^(-)""^(+)MgCl+CO_2(s) stackrel"dry ether"rarrR-CO_2^(-)""^(+)MgCl