A recipe calls for #2 1/2# cups of sugar. You have #2 1/3# cups of sugar Do you have enough sugar? If not, how much more sugar is needed?

1 Answer
Dec 14, 2016

#" not enough require another " 1/6" cup"#


Before we can compare these #color(blue)"mixed numbers"# we need to change them to #color(blue)"improper fractions"#

#rArr2 1/2=5/2" and " 2 1/3=7/3#

To compare the fractions # 5/2" and " 7/3# we require them to have a #color(blue)"common denominator"#

The lowest common denominator of 2 and 3 is 6 so we have to convert them into fractions with a denominator of 6

#rArr5/2=(5xx3)/(2xx3)=15/6" and " 7/3=(7xx2)/(3xx2)=14/6#

#" Now" 14/6<15/6" thus there is not enough sugar"#

#"amount of sugar needed " =15/6-14/6=1/6" of a cup"#