Why is "Co"("CN")_5^(2-)Co(CN)25 paramagnetic?

1 Answer
Sep 2, 2017

Well, the first thing you should do is find out the oxidation state of cobalt in this complex ion, so you can find its d-electron count.

From there, by knowing the electron configuration of cobalt in the complex, one can deduce if any of the electrons are unpaired in the complex's molecular orbital diagram.

(We'll work in the realm of crystal field theory and only look at the crystal field splitting diagram that came from the metal's original dd atomic orbitals.)

If there are any unpaired electrons, we should expect ["Co"("CN")_5]^(2-)[Co(CN)5]2 to be paramagnetic.



Since cyanide, "CN"^(-)CN will contribute a -11 charge, it follows that the total charge contributed by 55 of them is -55. By conservation of charge:

(?) + 5 xx overbrace((-1))^("CN"^(-)) = overbrace(-2)^("overall charge")

Thus, cobalt is in its bb(+3) oxidation state.


The electron configuration of neutral cobalt is

[Ar] 3d^7 4s^2,

so the electron configuration for "Co"^(3+) is

ul([Ar] 3d^6 4s^0),

and we denote complex as containing a bb(d^6) electron count. In cobalt atom, we diagram that as:

underbrace(ul(uarr darr)" "ul(uarr color(white)(darr))" "ul(uarr color(white)(darr))" "ul(uarr color(white)(darr))" "ul(uarr color(white)(darr)))_("3d")

But this is a complex, and cobalt here has a coordination number of 5, which denotes a trigonal bipyramidal geometry.

I won't go too much into the molecular orbital diagram other than the portion of it that comes out of Crystal Field Theory.


Here, we treat the "CN"^(-) as point charges that repel the metal's d orbitals as they come in to form the complex.

  • The d_(z^2) is directly along the z axis, and is highly destabilized by interacting directly with the metal d orbital.
  • The d_(xy) and d_(x^2 - y^2) are somewhat stabilized by their attraction to the positive metal center.
  • The d_(xz) and d_(yz) are about equally stabilized amongst each other, but more stabilized than the d_(xy) and d_(x^2-y^2), as the best the ligands can do is line up with their nodal planes.

The crystal field splitting diagram then looks like this:


Here we see that the energy gap between d_(xy) and d_(x^2 - y^2) and d_(z^2) is large. So, we would expect to fill the lower four d orbitals completely, before filling the d_(z^2).

In the end, for this particular geometry, it doesn't matter whether you assume the bottom four d orbitals are in a high spin or low spin configuration amongst each other.

With six 3d electrons, the configuration will have two unpaired electrons, making it paramagnetic:

ul(color(white)(uarr darr)

" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "

color(blue)(ul(uarr color(white)(darr))" "ul(uarr color(white)(darr)))
d_(xy)" "" "d_(x^2-y^2)

ul(uarr darr)" "ul(uarr darr)
d_(xz)" "" "d_(yz)