What do we call the O2−2 ion? Chemistry Covalent Bonds Drawing Lewis Structures 1 Answer anor277 Aug 31, 2017 You gots peroxide dianion........... Explanation: And a Lewis structure for −O−O−, which clearly derives from hydrogen peroxide, H−O−O−H, which is...... There were 2×1(H)+2×6(O) valence electrons, i.e. 7 electron pairs to distribute over 4 centres. What is the oxidation state of oxygen in this molecule? Answer link Related questions What are lewis dot structures used for? What is the lewis structure for SO2? How do you draw the lewis structure for ions? How do you draw the Lewis structure for ionic compounds? What are some examples of Lewis structures? What is an example of a Lewis structures practice problem? What are some common mistakes students make with Lewis structures? What are some common mistakes students make when drawing Lewis structures? How can I draw Lewis dot structures for ionic compounds? How can I draw a Lewis structure of a compound? See all questions in Drawing Lewis Structures Impact of this question 3787 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License