Question #e7bb3

1 Answer
Mar 9, 2017

9 xx 6 xx 6


Calling a,b,c the dimensions we have a restriction

a b c = 324

and an objective function

f(a,b,c) = c_1(2(ab+ac)+bc)+c_2bc

where c_1,c_2 are the construction costs with the relationship

c_2 = 2c_1 or

f(a,b,c) = c_1((2(ab+ac)+bc)+2bc)

This problem can be handled using the so called Lagrange multipliers

The lagrangian

L(a,b,c,lambda) = f(a,b,c)+lambda(abc-324)

The stationary points are the solutions to

grad L = vec 0

where grad=(partial/(partial a),partial/(partial b),partial/(partial c),partial/(partial lambda)) so we have

(L_a,L_b,L_c,L_(lambda))=(0,0,0,0) or

{(2 (b + c) c_1 + b c lambda=0),( (2 a + 3 c) c_1 + a c lambda=0), ((2 a + 3 b) c_1 + a b lambda=0), ( a b c-324=0):}

Solving for a,b,c,lambda we obtain
