Question #4fc37

1 Answer
Nov 22, 2017

OK, first, to quote Niels Bohr, “prediction is very difficult, especially concerning the future”


I think you are perhaps referring to increases in magnetic field strength due to superconducting magnets, used in MRI machines, particle accelerators etc?

The truth is we have recently (in the last 20 years) had a massive increase in the field strength, B (or, more usefully, magnetic flux, phi = B.A) due to the feasibility of using liquid helium to cool the wires carrying the current that gives rise to these enormously strong magnets.

This means their resistance falls to zero, or effectively zero, so does not cause the vibrations in the metal lattice that normally limits currents in conventional conductors.

A huge step forward could be made if we could find a way to (a) carry even larger currents in the same or smaller (thinner) wires (b) make these efffects work at higher temperatures through discovery of new alloys that become superconducting at higher temperatures (ideally room temp. or above.)

I think, given how recent the technology is, a large step forward is relatively unlikely in the near future, but research is being done, not least by power companies who would love to transmit current with no losses to resistance.

Not sure if I have added much, but it is one interpretation of the gist of the question.