Question #3e0e7

1 Answer
Apr 23, 2017

Time is relative. Time is affected by both relative motion and gravitational force fields.


Someone in space travelling near to the speed of light will experience relatively less time than someone remaining on the earth.

Einstein proposed the hypothetical situation of two twins, in this situation. One twin travels to Alpha Centauri and back while his twin stays on earth. At half the speed of light it will take sixteen earth years for the space traveling twin to get to the star and back. His (her) twin will have aged 16 years. But the space traveling twin will have aged less.

Near places of high gravitational force time also slows down. Time in out space far from any mass time is much faster than time experienced near a gravitational force. At the theoretical singularity of a black hole time stops altogether. Just as at the speed of light, time stops for the object traveling at that speed

So in deep space if you are not moving time moves much faster than if you are on a planet near a galactic cluster. If you are traveling through space at near light speeds time moves much slower. As the Hebrew poet wrote:

A day is to the Lord as a thousand years
and a thousand years as one day

Time is relative.