Question #dfe26

2 Answers
Apr 30, 2017

He wanted to coalesce all native tribes against white people.


Tecumseh was a precursor of Panindianism, he believed that Indians should unite in order to be stronger than white people.

Why were many Americans upset by the threat of Tecumseh?

May 1, 2017

Tecumseh was a tragic hero with a historic vision.


Tecumseh wanted to create a united Indian nation where all of the tribes would work together to preserve their cultural heritage and the integrity of their lands.

Tecumseh did not hate the white people. To the contrary he respected the white people and tried to learn from them while maintaining the knowledge and wisdom of the native American cultures. Tecumseh had both an Indian education and an American education. He was fluent in English being able to both read and write the language well.

Tecumseh goal was to forge a treaty with the United States that would recognize the sovereignty of the Indians Nations. This would give the tribes control over the settlement of their lands by white settlers. Possibly allowing some settlement but retaining ownership of the lands by tribes.

To accomplish this goal Tecumseh knew he would have to negotiate from a position of strength. To gain the strength necessary Tecumseh was able to unite a large number of the tribes in the Northwest and Ohio River Valley. He gathered a large army at his capital of prophet's town. Tecumseh also used his brother the Indian prophet to unite the tribes base on traditional religious beliefs.

Tecumseh did not want war with the United States he wanted the United State to respect the rights of the tribal nations. The army was to ensure that respect. Tecumseh gave explicit instructions to his brother the prophet not to attack the white people.

Tragically while Tecumseh was in the southwest trying to gain the support of powerful tribes like the Cherokee in the south a battle happened. His brother attacked an army commanded by William Harrison of United States veterans. His brother was not the accomplished general that Tecumseh was. Tecumseh returned from his efforts of diplomacy to find his capital, his alliance of unified tribes, his army and his brother all destroyed.

Tecumseh did not give up the fight for an independent Indian nation. During the war of 1812 Tecumseh gather another army and allied himself to the British that promised to preserve Indian lands. He died in a battle in 1813 fighting for his vision of a Unified Indian Nation at peace in their own land.