Question #43f62
1 Answer
Dec 8, 2016
There are infinitely many answers to this question!
How about x = -5
and y = 2?
So, start out by writing an expression in x and y: 3x - 4y
Then, substitute in your values x = -5 and y = 2:
3(-5)-4(2)3(−5)−4(2) =-15-8=-23−15−8=−23 .
Your first equation can be 3x - 4y = -23.
Repeat with any equation you would like:
y = x + ______?
2 = -5 + ?
and solve:
2 = -5 + 7.
Your second equation could be: y = x + 7
As a more advanced student, you could include other operations such as powers, roots, and fractions and decimals! Have fun writing!