Question #499b6

1 Answer
Jan 13, 2018

Suppose you threw a ball along the direction of wind flow and the ball is spinning.
Now take a cut section of the ball along a vertical axis to think it what is happening i.e by seeing it from one side so it takes the shape of a disc.
So if you consider that it is rotating along an axis which passes through its centre of mass and is perpendicular to its plane, its upper part moves in the direction of air flow so air flow helps its velocity hence air pressure falls in that zone,due to high velocity.( P prop v)
On the other hand on the lowest point of the disc it moves against the direction of air flow as a result air flow tends to oppose it by decreasing velocity,so decrease in pressure doesn't occur unlike its upper part hence it maintains normal pressure(but higher than that of its upper part),as a result air pressure doesn't tend to push it down rather holds up as acting from below and it goes for long in air until gravity pulls it down.
This is known as Magnus effect