Question #12b95

1 Answer
Oct 7, 2017

Unknown and no.


The "big bang" is a misnomer as it is really the "big expansion." Prior to the "big bang" our entire universe existed in a singularity, no space-time, no dimensions, no forces of nature.

For an unknown, and unknowable, reason that singular suddenly went through an expansion where it went from the singular to 1/2, approximately, the size of today's universe.

It is believed that anti-matter did exist during that initial 1034 of a second our universe emerged. Then during the first three minutes the universe cooled from 1032 kelvin to 109 kelvin. During this period the first hydrogen atoms appears as deuterium and then many of them combined to form the first helium atoms with trace amounts of lithium.

Most importantly space-time was created which in turn gave the four prime forces creation, strong force, weak force, gravity and electro-magnetism.