From the figure
"Upward vertical component of " T_1 =>T_1sin40
"Horizontal component of " T_1 =>T_1cos40
"Wt of the plank at the mid point"=34xx9.8N
"Wt of the man at the point 0.5m from left end"=725N
"Leftward horizontal force"=T_3
"Upward vertical force on rope at left end" =T_3
The system is in equlibrium
So considering the equilbrium of forces in horizontal direction, we can write
Considering the equilbrium of forces in vertial direction, we can write
Cosidering the moments of forces about left end we get
Inserting the value of T_1 in (1)
Inserting the value of T_1 in (2)