piπ is transcendental, meaning that it is not the root of any polynomial equation with integer coefficients.
Hence pi^2π2 is transcendental and irrational too.
If pi^2π2 were rational, then it would be the root of an equation of the form:
ax+b = 0ax+b=0
for some integers aa and bb
Then piπ would be a root of the equation:
ax^2+b = 0ax2+b=0
Since piπ is not the root of any polynomial with integer coefficients, let alone a quadratic, this is not possible.
Further, if pi^2π2 was the root of any polynomial equation with integer coefficients then piπ would be the root of the same equation with each xx replaced by x^2x2. So since piπ is transcendental, so is pi^2π2.