Question #ee209 Physics Introduction to Physics Measurement and Units 1 Answer chandramohanPanakkal Jan 28, 2017 horse power for mechanical work Kuiloi watt hour for electrical energy.. Explanation: 746 watts is one H.P 1000 watts = i kilowatt multiplied by time gives kilowatt hours.. energy meter for electrical Answer link Related questions Why do scientists prefer the SI units over the old English system of measurement? What is the SI unit force weight work and energy? What is the smallest metric measurement? What SI unit is energy measured in? Why is measurement accuracy important? Why are measurements approximations? What is the SI derived unit of electric charge? Are si units the same as metric units? Why are standardized units of measurement important? What units of measurement are used to describe wavelengths? See all questions in Measurement and Units Impact of this question 1611 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License