Question #0b48a U.S. History Manifest Destiny and Slavery Exploration: Lewis and Clark to Manifest Destiny 1 Answer Sim W. Mar 22, 2017 It sparked in interest in the nation expanding its reach and influence to other countries. Answer link Related questions What does John O'Sullivan mean when he says it is “our manifest destiny to overspread the... What were most U.S. Midwestern cities established near? What was different about Andrew Jackson's inauguration? What was the Monroe Doctrine? What natural landmark formed the new western boundary of the United States? Why is Washington Irving considered an important American writer? What happened at the Alamo? What movements in the late 1800s addressed urban problems? How are Manifest Destiny, Annexation of Texas, and Mexican Cession related? How is the idea of Manifest Destiny reflected in the annexation of Texas? See all questions in Exploration: Lewis and Clark to Manifest Destiny Impact of this question 1482 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License