Question #f0ba1

1 Answer
Feb 16, 2017

C. The farther away a galaxy is the faster it is moving away.


Hubble's law is expressed as V = H_oD
Where V = the velocity of the galaxies moving away from each other
Where D = the distance the galaxy is away from the observer.
Where H_o = Hubble's constant.

The value for Hubble's constant has been increased since Hubble first measured and proposed it. The present value is 72 kilometers/second.

Looking at the equation for Hubble's law the greater the distance that is multiplied by the parameter that is called Hubble's constant so the greater the velocity of the galaxy being observed.

In 1998 it was observed that the rate of expansion of the universe was increasing. This indicates that the universe is an open system and that the universe will continue expanding forever.

Hubble's law and the observations of a increasing rate of the expansion of the universe implies that the observable universe had a beginning and will have an ending. The second law of thermodynamics will cause the ever expanding universe to eventually break down into a state where there is no matter just a uniform low level radiation.

The philosophical implication is that matter and energy are not eternal or self existent. If matter and energy are not eternal then material realism that the cosmos is all that there is was or ever will be is wrong.