Write #6.7xx10^(-5)# in standard form?

1 Answer
Sep 8, 2016

In standard form #6.7xx10^(-5)=0.000067#


In scientific notation, we write a number so that it has single digit to the left of decimal sign and is multiplied by an integer power of #10#.

In other words, in scientific notation, a number is written as #axx10^n#, where #1<=a<10# and #n# is an integer and #1<=a<10#.

To write the number in normal or standard notation one just needs to multiply by the power #10^n# (or divide if #n# is negative). This means moving decimal #n# digits to right if multiplying by #10^n# and moving decimal #n# digits to left if dividing by #10^n# (i.e. multiplying by #10^(-n)#).

In the given case, as we have the number as #6.7xx10^(-5)#, we need to move decimal digit to the left by five points. For this, let us write #6.7# as #0000006.7# and moving decimal point five points to left means #0.000067#

Hence in standard form #6.7xx10^(-5)=0.000067#