Question #8c553

1 Answer
Oct 26, 2016



We have 2 sound waves of same amplitude A, with frequencies f_1 approx f_2, so

  • y_1 = A sin 2 pi f_1 t

  • y_2 = A sin 2 pi f_2 t

The resultant wave is

y = y_1 + y_2 = A sin 2 pi f_1 t+ A sin 2 pi f_2 t

And by the sum to product identity:

y = 2 A * color(gren)(sin pi ( f_1 + f_2) t) * color(red)( cos pi (f_1 - f_2) t )

The red cosine term is the beat frequency we can perceive, ie f_b = abs (f_1 - f_2). It acts as an amplitude envelope for the green sine term.

The amplitude of the resultant beat can therefore be seen to be

A(t) = 2 A * cos pi (f_1 - f_2) t

And that is what is perceived when, say, 2 musical notes that are very close in pitch are plucked on a guitar: in the model proposed above, a sinusoid pattern to its amplitude.

Because Intensity I propto A^2, we can see that at max amplitude, ie when cos pi (f_1 - f_2) t = pm1, intensity is quadrupled as amplitude is doubled from A to 2A.