Question #3f1d8

2 Answers

If a man is standing by the track and train is running at 60 km/hr to south his relative velocity is 60 miles south direction.


If he is also running at 10 km/hr towards south, his velocity relative to train is only 6010 = 50 km/hr to south.

If he run to north at 10 km/hr his relative velocity will be 70 km/hr with train.
Hope this explains the relative velocity.

May 22, 2016

For rain problem,
If VAandVB are velocities of objects AandB respectively then

VAB=VAVB is the velocity of A with respect to B.


Following the above logic

Vrm=VrVm is velocity of rain with respect to man.

See the vector representation on the right side of the figure above.

  1. Velocity vectors VmandVr are drawn.
  2. Recall ve sign in front of the the second term.
    Therefore, draw Vm at the tip of Vr
  3. Join the tail of Vr to the tip of Vm to obtain Vrm as velocity of rain with respect to man.

Similar steps need to be followed if Vmr, velocity of man with respect to rain is to be found.

  1. Velocity vectors VmandVr are drawn.
  2. We are to find out Vmr, velocity of man with respect to rain.
    We know that Vmr=VmVr
    Therefore draw Vr at the tip of Vm
  3. Join the tail of Vm to the tip of Vr to obtain Vmr as velocity of man with respect to rain.