Question #eb544

1 Answer
Nov 2, 2016

Satellite moves faster in orbit when it is close to the planet it orbits, and slower when it is farther away.


The satellite experiences two forces while in orbit

  1. Force due to gravity F_g of the planet
    where, M_p and m_s are mass of the planet and mass of the satellite respectively; G is Universal gravitational constant and R_O is the radius of the orbit measured from the center of the planet.
    We also know that R_O=R_p+h, where R_p is the radius of planet and h is the height of the satellite above planet's surface.
  2. Net centrifugal force F_C due to its circular motion
    where v is the velocity of the satellite.

As the satellite-planet system is in equilibrium, equating both forces we get

From above equation it is evident that when a satellite is moved to a larger radius/higher from the planet’s surface, R_O increases. To keep the system in equilibrium, the velocity must decrease.

Heights of satellites above earth and their velocities.
