Question #d58fd
1 Answer
May 14, 2016
For small angle of deviation
T=2pisqrt(L/g)T=2π√Lg .......(1)
whereLL is the length of the pendulum andgg is the local gravity.
- We know that seconds pendulum is a pendulum which has its period of two seconds. Its each swing takes one second,
T=2sT=2s - Also local acceleration due to gravity
g=G (M_e)/R_e^2g=GMeR2e .
GG is constant=6.67408 xx 10^-11 m^3 kg^-1 s^-2=6.67408×10−11m3kg−1s−2 .M_eMe is mass andR_eRe is radius of earth respectively.
Now the acceleration due gravity of the planet is
g_p=G (M_p)/R_p^2gp=GMpR2p
Inserting given quantities we get
g_p=G (2M_e)/(2R_e)^2gp=G2Me(2Re)2
=>g_p=G (M_e)/(2(R_e)^2)⇒gp=GMe2(Re)2 ,
in terms ofgg
Inserting in (1)
T_p=2pisqrt(L/g_p)Tp=2π√Lgp ........(2)
in terms of
Using (1)