Question #d2bd0
2 Answers
When the cylinder is weighed in air forces acting on the cylinder
As density of air very small, so is weight of air displaced by the cylinder.
We also know that weight of cylinder
Converting in
When the cylinder is weighed in turpentine forces acting on the cylinder
Since density of solid aluminum is much higher than that of turpentine, it is assumed that complete cylinder is immersed in turpentine.
Dividing both sides by
The apparent Weight of the cylnder in turpentine is
=45" gwt" -
So the apparent loss in weght of the cylinder when immersed fully in turpentine
=(67-45)=22" gwt" -
Let density of turpentine be
=d_t gcm^-3 -
So the volume of turpentine displaced by cylinder
=67/2.7cm^3 -
So the weight of turpentine displaced by cylinder
=67/2.7*d_t" gwt" -
This weight must be equal to the apparent loss in weight