1 "parsec" is equal to 3.26156 "ly".
1 "ly" is the time it takes light in vacuum to travel one year, and is equal to the product of the amount of seconds in one year (365.25 "days" = 31557600 "s") and the speed of light in vaccum, 299792458"m"/"s":
1 "ly" = 31557600 cancel("s") xx 299792458"m"/(cancel("s"))
= 9,460,730,472,580,800 "m" (exactly)
Thus, 10^8 "ly" =
10^8 cancel("ly")((9,460,730,472,580,800"m")/(1cancel("ly")))
= 946,073,047,258,080,000,000,000 "m"