Which of these frequencies is resonant with that of an ideal "256 Hz" tuning fork?
"512 Hz" , "400 Hz" , "441 Hz" , "300 Hz"
1 Answer
Resonant frequencies are frequencies that coincide with the natural emitted frequency. I would have actually said
Most pure waveforms (square, saw, triangle, etc), except sine waves, are a linear combination of the fundamental, and the
Thus, each successive harmonic is quieter than the previous, but all of them are present to some extent.
f_"fund" xx 2^n where
f_"fund" is the fundamental frequency.
So, for example, a sine wave plays
"261.6 Hz" xx 2^1 = "523.2 Hz"
and so on by doubling the frequency of each successive harmonic.
So, the tuning fork would be primarily composed of a slightly flat middle C, and smaller contributions from higher octaves. But if one could filter out the fundamental, e.g. with a band notch filter, a frequency of