Question #e49ee

2 Answers
Sep 17, 2015

p = 0.3, n= 12, let x = The number of accidents to 18 year old drivers within one year of taking license;
Required Prob. = 0.49071.


X follows binomial distribution with n= 12 and p = 0.3
general p.d.f. is f ( x) = n C _xnCx p^xpx q^ (n-x)qnx , x = 0,1,2...n and q = 1 - p.
Required Pr{ X <= 3} = Pr { x = 0, 1, 2, 3}
= Pr {X = 0} + Pr{X = 1} + Pr { X = 2} + Pr {X = 3} = 12 C _012C0(0.7)^12(0.7)12 + 12 C _112C1 0.3(0.7)^11(0.7)11 + 12C_212C2 (0.3) ^2(0.3)2 (0.7)^10(0.7)10 + 12 C _312C3 (0.3)^3(0.3)3 (0.7)^9(0.7)9
= 0.01384 + 0.07118 + 0. 16779 + 0.23790 =0.49071

Sep 17, 2015

Refer explanation section


Following Binomial Distribution the answer is P_(x<3)=0.4919Px<3=0.4919
Following Poisson Distribution the answer is P_(x<3)=0.51517Px<3=0.51517
Following Normal Distribution the answer is P_(x<3)=0.352Px<3=0.352

I am sorry I have wrongly totaled the probability values.
I have redone the problem using the three distributions.
I have enclosed my work in a pdf file form.

I am unable to get the answer that you have given 0.3327.

May I know in which area the problem appears in your book.

This is the link to the pdf File

A video Lesson on Using MSExcel to find a solution to a problem