On a trip, Debbie spent as much time on the train as she did on the bus. The train averaged 50 km per hour and the bus averaged 35 km per hour. If she went 105 km more on the train, how far did she go altogether? Can you please me do this question?

On a trip, Debbie spent as much time on the train as she did on the bus. The train averaged 50 km per hour and the bus averaged 35 km per hour. If she went 105 km more on the train, how far did she go altogether?

1 Answer

595 km


We can start this by seeing that #d=vt# - distance equals velocity times time.

We're told #t_"bus"=t_"train"# and #v_"bus"=35, v_"train"=50# and #d_"train"=d_"bus"+105km#.

So where to start? We can't get to distances right away, but we can get to time:





#t=7# hours

#:. overbrace(50(7))^("train")=overbrace(35(7))^("bus")+105#

#:. overbrace(350)^("train")=overbrace(245)^("bus")+105#

#350+245=595# km