A students tuition was $2520. A loan was obtained for #2/5# of the tuition. How much as the loan?

1 Answer
Jun 24, 2018

#$1008.00" "# Lot of detail given.


In mathematics the question word #of# can usually be translated into multiply.

So we have: #2/5color(red)(" of ")" tuition"#
#color(white)("ddddddddd.")2/5color(white)(".")color(red)(xx)color(white)("d")" tuition" #

But we are told the cost of the tuition is #$2520#

So by substituting $2520 for the word 'tuition we have:

#2/5xx$2520# which is the same as: #2xx($2520)/5#

#color(blue)("Consider just the part "($2520)/5)#
I have just spotted something!

This is the same as #cancel(2000)^400/cancel(5)^1+cancel(500)^100/cancel(5)^1+cancel(20)^4/cancel(5)^1 = 504#

#color(blue)("Putting it all back together")#

So #2xx($2520)/5 = 2xx$504=$1008#