The types of bonding present in copper wire and nacl respectively are?

3 Answers
May 2, 2018


Copper wire consists of Cu nuclei (that are positively charged due to the positively charged protons) that are surrounded by a "sea" of delocalized electrons (that are negatively charged that move freely throughout the material which is known as metallic bonding.

NaCl (known commonly as table salt) consists of positively charged Na^+ ions being attracted to oppositely charged Cl- ions which is known as ionic bonding.

May 2, 2018

...are "metallic bonding", and "ionic bonding" respectively...


See here for metallic bonding, and in an ionic bond there are discrete anions and cations that are held together in a rigid array by electrostatic forces of attraction.

May 2, 2018

copper wire metallic bonding
NaCl ionic bonding


in metallic bonding there is a "sea of electrons" that are shared evenly throughout the copper wire. These electrons being free to move from atom to atom cause conductivity, ductility, mailability and the metallic luster seen in metals.

in ionic bonding the electrons are shared unevenly between the sodium ion +1 and the Chlorine ion -1 throughout the crystal structure. This cause the brittle structure of the ionic bond, the very high melting point and lack of conductivity.