How is anaerobic respiration in plants and animals different?

2 Answers

Anaerobic respiration in plants is harmful to plant life whereas in animals it may not cause a threat to life.


Anaerobic respiration in plants produces ethanol (C2H5OH) whose accumulation may kill the plant, whereas in animals anaerobic respiration produces lactic acid (CH3CH(OH)COOH) that however cannot cause death of animal but lead to minor muscle cramps, but they can be cured with hot water bath or a massage.

Feb 26, 2018

Difference in anaerobic respiration in plants and animals lies in the end products.


In anaerobic respiration, the end-products are ethanol and carbon dioxide in plants whereas the end-products are lactic acid only in animals.

Thus, the anaerobic respiration in plants is associated with evolution of carbon dioxide as in aerobic respiration, though it occurs in the absence of oxygen but no carbon dioxide is evolved in anaerobic respiration in animals.