Question #079b1

1 Answer
Feb 16, 2018

The four types are epithelial, muscular, nervous, and connective.


  1. Epithelial
    This tissue is a large component of skin and forms the lining of most internal cavities. In general, the functions of this tissue are protection, absorption, secretion, and filtration.

  2. Muscular
    There are three types of muscular tissue: smooth, cardiac, and skeletal. The smooth tissue is an involuntary muscle (meaning it is not controlled by the nervous system) located in the walls of blood vessels and internal organs. The cardiac muscle is also involuntary, but is found only in the walls of the heart. The skeletal muscle, however, is voluntary and is used in the contraction of skeletal parts.

  3. Nervous
    The nervous tissue is made of cells specialised to receive and conduct impulses throughout the body. The cells in this tissue are long and thread-like.
  4. Connective
    This tissue is the most abundant throughout the body. It performs many functions, including support and protection. It is found in the blood and lymph, bone, cartilage, fat, and even elsewhere.