Solve the given equation. If there is no solution, enter NO SOLUTION: cos2x=5sinx-2?

I don't know how to start the problem.

1 Answer
Dec 3, 2017

Answer: #x=pi/6+2pik,(5pi)/6+2pik#, #k in ZZ#


Solve #cos2x=5sinx-2#

Note that #cos(2x)=1-2sin^2(x)#

Substituting in, we have:

Moving everything to one side:

We now have a quadratic which we can factor:

So, we have that #sinx=1/2# or #sinx=-3#, clearly the latter is not possible since #sinx in [-1,1]#

Therefore #x=pi/6+2pik,(5pi)/6+2pik#, #k in ZZ#