Question #45e92

2 Answers
Oct 25, 2017

Life's means Life of.
And lifes' is not correct.


Apostrophe has it's own complexities. But in a nutshell, we can say that:
Singular noun demands apostrophe with ss i.e 's
Class's chairs.
Plural noun demands only apostrophe i.e '
Classes' chairs.

Probably you wanted to say lives' instead of lifes'. In case of lives' it is correct.

The word life's is a singular possessive noun .
The word lifes' is not a correct word.
The plural form of the noun life is lives.
The plural possessive form is lives'.


A possessive noun is formed by adding an apostrophe s ('s) to the end of the word, or just an apostrophe (') to the end of a plural noun that already ends with an s.
A possessive noun is used to indicate ownership, possession, origin or purpose.

Example uses:
Father Damien made the lepers of Molokai his life's work. (singular)
The lepers were provided no resource for their lives' needs. (plural)