Catch up meaning and its status in grammer?

1 Answer

The term "catch up" is a verb + adverb combination.
To "catch up" is to move faster in order to get even with someone or something ahead; to work faster to bring something up to date or up to standard.


Example uses:
Rory will catch up with us as soon as he gets out of work.
I need additional hours for my pay to catch up with my bills.
We can catch up on the news after dinner.

The term "catch-up" is a hyphenated compound noun as a word for the process of getting even with someone or something, or bringing something up to date or to standard.
Example uses:
Since we've returned, we've had to do a lot of catch-up.
After the long holiday, there was a catch-up in production.

The word "catchup" is a noun, a word for a seasoned condiment made from tomatoes (also spelled "ketchup" or "catsup").